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Summary Examples


Summary Examples



The summaries required in the application are a vital part our consideration. The following were created by Foundation staff to provide examples of well executed- and poorly-executed, summaries. These summaries were not pulled from past applicants. The organizations were made-up by Foundation staff; any similarities to existing organizations were not intended. The organizations and programs in these summaries are not intended to suggest particular areas of interest to the Foundation. Finally, these summaries are meant to serve as a guideline- not a template. Do not submit one of the following with your organization's information inserted. 



Examples of well executed summaries:


These summaries provide a basic but clear understanding of the organization's purpose, what the organization aims to do, the programs and means through which the organization executes its work, and who the organization serves. You are welcome (and encouraged!) to be more creative however, it should not come at the expense of comprehension. 


The Percheron Foundation


The Percheron Foundation provides support services to homeless and near-homeless persons and families in Minneapolis. In addition to providing temporary housing, PF's 3 locations offer comprehensive case management, counseling and crisis intervention, resources and referrals, education, and support groups in an effort to break the cycle of poverty by addressing its root causes. PF serves over 400 individuals annually.


The Percheron Foundation’s After School Program serves between 40-60 homeless/near-homeless children residing in the Minneapolis Greenlake community. The program provides academic assistance, youth development, supplementary activities, and social work services. Services and activities include tutoring, internet access, informational workshops and active discussions, college and high school preparation, STEM activities, Literacy Intervention and English Language Lab. Funding would support the program’s staffing and equipment costs.


Cupid’s Garden Theatre


Cupid’s Garden Theatre is a performing arts-organization in New York, NY. Working out of a 150-seat black box theatre, CGT presents 4 original theatre-works, as well as other cultural events, to more than 3,000 patrons annually. CGT aims specifically to advance and promote the careers of people of color through opportunity, outreach, and development. 80 percent of CGT’s staff, playwrights, directors, casts and crews are, and have been, people of color. 


Funding is requested to support CGT’s general operations. CGT plans to present an additional theatre work annually, extending its performance season to a total of 5 annual productions. Funding will support the development of a new work, written and directed by a person of color, including workshops, script readings and scratch nights. The addition of an annual production will allow CGT to continue its growth, expand the number of opportunities it can provide to theatre community members, and provide additional outreach to the local community.


Chapel Rescue


Chapel Rescue is a no-kill animal shelter serving Westchester County. CR works to rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome companion animals. CR also provides education and outreach, a sliding scale spay/neuter program, animal food pantry, and other resources for pets/pet-owners in need.  CR houses approximately 80 dogs and 50 cats annually.


Through the Helping Paws program, CR partners with Westchester Companion Company to provide companion animals to clients with autism, trauma, anxiety, and/or PTSD. CR nominates eligible dogs it has rescued and houses them through the first stage of training, which is conducted onsite by WCC. Dogs that graduate are moved into WCC foster homes for additional training. Those that do not meet the requirements to graduate are rehomed through CR. Last year the program graduated 6 dogs. Funding is requested to support the program’s operations.



Examples of poorly executed summaries:


These summaries are vague in regard to the purpose of the organization and their programs, do not clearly communicate the specific means and programs through which these organizations accomplish their goals, give no specifics on the population served, and/or are over-sensationalized. A basic understanding of how these organizations function and accomplish their goals is absent. These summaries do not invite further examination of the request. 




Established in 1990, IRIS is a life-saving, community-based organization serving those in need.  IRIS breaks the cycle of poverty, providing new, regenerative opportunities to members of the community's most underserved neighborhoods.  Since its founding, IRIS has served over 7,000 individuals.


IRIS Afterschool Sports provide sports engagement programming to underserved youth, reducing harmful activities, and providing a positive outlet to children. The Afterschool Sports program acts as a catalyst for change, improving graduate rates and school attendance. Funding is requested to support IAS’s scholarship program.


Little Andy's Pet Rescue


Whiskers came to Little Andy's Pet Rescue cold and emaciated. After months of care and comfort, Whiskers has found a forever home. Little Andy's Pet Rescue makes all the difference for uncared for and forgotten animals across the state.


Funding is requested to support hundreds of companion animals looking for a second chance through the care of Little Andy's Pet Rescue. 



The Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation

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